Christie Brinkley Skin Care – Everything There Is To Know
If there’s one thing famous supermodel Christie Brinkley swears by as part of the Christie Brinkley skin care philosophy, it’s that nothing replaces a good solid skin care routine. You lay the foundation for good, bad or indifferent skin by how you take care of it and by what you eat. You alone control how your skin stands up to the aging process.
The most important Christie Brinkley skin care piece of advice is to protect your skin from the sun. Start doing this as early in life as you possibly can; Christie made sure her own children wore sunscreen from a very young age.
And as an avid Californian sun and water lover, she herself never goes out into the sun without wearing an SPF cream or moisturizer and a hat.
The second thing Christie Brinkley attributes her youthful complexion to is her vegetarian diet. Like she points out, animals and poultry intended for the table are often fed growth hormones to speed up their development.
How do those growth hormones subsequently affect those who eat these animals! How does it affect their skin. Christie herself has been a vegetarian since the age of 13 and is convinced her diet of antioxidant rich foods is one of the major contributing factors to her good skin.
Top Christie Brinkley Skin Care Tip – Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
Christie is also a big fan of exfoliating. She does this religiously every day – face, neck and the backs of her hands. She also cleanses and moisturizes before adding whatever make up she is wearing for the day. And she drinks a lot of water to keep her skin hydrated. Mostly warm water because that’s another of her beliefs – that warm water is better for you than cold water.
Interestingly, Christie started out studying art in Paris before being spotted by a fashion photographer. That may be part of the reason why she loves colorful foods and makes sure she eats as many different colored fruits, vegetables and nuts as possible. Oranges, greens, reds, yellows and purples. It’s a nifty idea and one that also ensures consumption of a wide range of vital nutrients.
Christie enjoys a wide variety of sports – swimming, surfing, skiing, bike riding and paddle boarding are some of the regular activities she does. She also likes to do yoga, particularly in winter.
And one final Christie Brinkley skin care tip – a smile is a great and healthy thing to put on your face. Smiling releases endorphins, which raises your spirits and when you’re happy, it shines from you.
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Just Imagine It!
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But ….
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Wrinkles on Forehead?
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Skin Care Reference Links (Government, Universities & More)
Cosmetics Labeling RegulationsThis section provides resources on regulatory requirements for cosmetic labeling. For a thorough explanation of cosmetic labeling regulations, see FDA's Cosmetic Labeling Guide and the cosmetic labeling regulations themselves (21 CFR parts 701 and 740). Firms also may wish to discuss their labeling needs with a consultant.